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The Eternal Fire

Hail and Welcome


The Templum Ignis Aeternum (Temple of the Eterna Fire) is a chartered Proto Temple and an official body of the Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca.


We are welcoming anyone who hears their call through the feminine and masculine side of the Divinity and they want to embrace it to it's utmost capacity. In our Temple we welcome anyone who wants to learn the ways of the old, as well as, your ancient heritage, The Craft. Our tradition is mainly an eclectic one, we are not forcing you by any means to worship our Gods, we believe that everyone is a diferrent indivdual and Divinity manfests different in each one of us.


Templum Ignis Aeternum, got it's name from one of our most basic Correllian rituals and teaches us about the Eternal Fire that burns within us.


The Eternal Fire is the connecting link with the Divinity and the Goddess, we have this fire within us, it's has always been there and we need to develop it. By developing our inner fire, we are freeing up our mind and our limits, thus being able to access Her Love, Her Power and Her Strength.

No matter what, the Divine Spark is always within us,  we can never cut our self off, the Fire can go smaller but never burn out.

Our consiousness is going to be expanded or concentrated to the Primal Mobile, the first Monad, the creator of the Cosmos.


The Eternal Fire is part of you and everyone and everything around you, because the Divine Flame is everywhere.

It has always been within you, but now you know it and you acknowledge it.


Thus let's all be part of the evolution towards Divinity and Inflame the Fire within us, so we can serven and help our people around us, the ones in need.


May the Fire within you be always at it's Greatest,


Blessings, by the Gods and  Goddesses.

Rev Thosir HP

Rev Eblis HP

Rev Ayra HPs

The Eternal Fire

 Our Focus


The Temple is going to educate and train the people that are interested, in the Wiccan path as well as, in the Correllian Tradition.


Our Focus is to create well rounded practitioners of the Craft as well as, religious ambassadors, for this reason we will be training in as many forms of magic such as, ceremonial magic, telesmatic magic, planetary, elemental etc.


That way the practitioner of the craft has a great understanding of the forces around him/her and be able to work in balance with these forces.


It's up to us to explore and undersand the forces of the macrocosm that will enable us to reach higher and connect with our Higher Self. It is only when we are connected with our Higher Self that we can deliver the Oracle, the messega of the Gods, which is the training and goal of the Third Degree High Priest/priestess of the COrrellian Tradition.

Our Services


*Clergy Training

*Magic Training


*Hand Parting








Thank you for visiting our website, if you have any questions please, don't hesitate to contact us.




© 2013-2015 Copyrights - Templum Ignis Aeternum - Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca

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