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So what is the Correllian Nativist Tradition, and what makes it different from other Wiccan Traditions?  Usually when people ask this they are expecting a liturgical answer -some special beliefs or ritual forms that are unique to Correllianism. 
  Correllianism does put an unusually strong emphasis on the philosophical aspects of Wicca, and on the spirituality and inner mysteries of the Wiccan religion, but liturgically our beliefs do not especially differ from those of other Wiccan Traditions. Rather it is our attitudes toward the Pagan community and its future that tend to set us apart. 
  The Correllian Tradition is dedicated to the advancement of the Pagan people. We believe strongly in the need for increased communication and co-operation between Pagans everywhere, from all Traditions.  
  We stress the importance of the Pagan Clergy as teachers and facilitators, and the need for a strong public presence. The Correllian Tradition emphasizes celebratory as well as initiatory Wicca, and is strongly committed to accessible public ritual.


Learn more about the Correllian tradition by visiting the Official Website

Correllian Tradition

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