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Our Structure


Our Temple is governed by two main bodies:


a) By the Correllian Collegium,  which is responsible for Clerical Training via correspodence/online or in person. The Initiate produced by this system are affiliated with our Temple but they have no commitment towards the Temple but themselvs. This constists of The outer Temple and usually anyone is invited to participate to public celebrations etc. Outer Court members and dedicants are part of this body.

Any member in good standing can apply for entrance into the Witan Council after acceptance of the Witan Elders.


b) The Temple's Witan Council, any clergy that would like to work closely with the Temple's ceremonies, initiations and magic. This is the Inner Temple or the Witan Council which governs the Outer Temple and superintends its teachings, it constists mainly of:


  • The Hall of the 1st Degree Priesthood,

  • The Hall of the 2nd Degree Priesthood,

  • The Hall of the 3rd Degree Priesthood,

  • The Council of Elders (C.E.)

    Temple Head(s)

    First Priestess
    First Priest
    First Elder
    Deputy Chief Priest/ess of the 1st Degree Hall
    Deputy Chief Priest/ess of the 2nd Degree Hall
    Deputy Chief Priest/ess of the 3rd Degree Hall
    Other 3rd degree clergy


The Temple Head(s) is the chief executive officer of the Correllian Proto-Temple Ignis Aeternum. The Temple Head(s) is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Tradition, the administration of all records and legal matters.

The Temple Head(s) is the deputy of and represents the interests of the leadership of the Correllian Tradition within the Temple and is the principle authority in and the final court of appeals for all matters relating to the administration of the legal body of the Temple.

The office of Temple Gead(s) can acts on its own or it may be filled by either the First Priestess or First Priest. 

Once filled, the office is understood to be held for life. The office of Temple Head(s) is established for the first time with the creation of the Correllian Temple as a legal body, in the year 13 Aquarius (2013 AD).


The First Priestess and First Priest traditionally act as Joint Heads of the Temple but tht is not always the case.

In this capacity the First Priestess is responsible for maintaining the sanctity of the Temple through the Correllian Tradition and its connection with the Ancestors and the Divine. The initiation of all Priesthood, Temples and Orders ultimately derive authority from this sanctity, and thus from the First Priestess. The First Priestess acts as chairperson for the Witan Council when it shall be invoked.

The First Priestess is identified as the female Head of the Clergy within the Temple.


The First Priest is responsible for coordinating relations between Correllian Temples and clergy members, and acts as chairperson for the Witan Council when it shall be invoked. The First Priest is responsible for the Temple's relations with other Wiccan and Pagan Traditions/Temples. The First Priest is also responsible for maintaining the Temple's history and internal records, and its publications.

The First Priest is, identified as the male Head of the Clergy within the Temple.


The First Elder of the Temple is the principle advisor to the Temple's Heads, and to the Temple as a whole. The First Elder is chosen by the Temple Heads and is the Philosopher Laureate of our Temple. The First Elder is also responsible for overseeing the succession to the offices of the Tradition leadership and acts as the head chairperson within the Council of Elders.


The Temple's Witan Council is made up of the Priesthood, members of the  Council of Elders (C.E.), and the Officers and Heads of Templum Ignis Aeternum. Only fully active Clergy can be considered as a members of the Witan Council. The Temple Head(s) acts as chairperson of the Witan Council.


The Witan Council is an advisory body which may be convened as needed to advise on matters of Temple policy. Are responsible for superintending the Outer Temple and the Correllian Priesthood Collegium, confirming that the teachings and standards of the Tradition and of the Temle are been transmitted accordingly as well as keep developing and researching on the Wiccan path and the Craft.  However, the principle duty of the Witan Council is to confirm or deny the succession to the offices of First priestess and First Priest.

In the event of the death of either of the Joint Heads of Temple, there shall follow one year of formal mourning. It is the duty of the First Elder to maintain a record of the current Designated Heir of each Temple Head, but to keep this knowledge secret until the Tradition Head’s death. During the year of mourning the vacant office of the deceased Temple Head shall be filled by the Designated Heir, who shall act as Regent.

At the end of the year of mourning the Witan Council shall be convened to acceptor reject the Regent as successor. At the time of the vote, a statement prepared by the deceased Temple Head regarding the qualifications of the Regent shall be presented to the Witan Council, provided such a prepared statement exists. The surviving Temple Head and each Officer of the Temple shall also address the Witan Council with their assessments of the Regent’s worthiness to succeed.


The Witan Council may then debate the matter if it shall so choose. Finally the Regent shall be given a chance to address the Witan. The Witan may then vote to accept or reject, with a two-thirds majority being required to reject. In the event that the Witan accepts the Regent, the Regent shall now succeed to the office of Joint Head of the Temple. The Heads of the Temple shall then be free to decide which shall fill the office of the First Priestess and First Priest.

In the event that the Witan shall reject the Regent as Successor, it shall be the duty of the Council of Elders to select two other candidates for the office. These two new candidates shall then stand with the Regent for a second vote of the Witan. This vote shall be preceded by a debate of the Witan, exploring the reasons behind the initial rejection of the Regent as well as the qualifications of the new candidates. Then the Witan may vote, with a two thirds majority required to elect any of the three candidates.

The debate and vote may be repeated as many times as shall be necessary to achieve the said two thirds majority. The person thus elected shall fill the vacant office. 


The Council of Elders (C.E.) is an advisory body made up of the Officers of Templum Ignis Aeternum, as well as other members chosen from among highly respected members of the Tradition and the Temple.

The Council of Elders might be described as the “cabinet” of the Temple, being a council whose non-binding opinion is solicited to help shape national policy. The  Council of Elders (C.E.) may be convened at the discretion of Third Degree Clergy, but is chaired by the First Priesthood of the Temple and the First Elder.

The principle purpose of the  Council of Elders (C.E.), besides advising on matters of national policy, keeps the order within the temple and makes sure that the tradition and its teachings are being followed accordingly and in relation with the By-Laws. Petition to enter the council of the Witan Elders needs to be Approved my the Temple Head and the First High Priest and First High Priestess. The Council of Elders are also acting as a liaison between the Temple and the Correllian Tradition.

Although the primary title of the members of the Correllian Council of Elders is “Elder” they are considered to hold the rank of Arch Priesthood.

Membership on the Council of Elders (C.E.) requires nomination by the Council of Elders or one of the Officers of the Witan Council, and confirmation by the Witan Council.

The Officers of the Council of Elders are:

  1. Temple Head(s)

  2. First Priestess

  3. First Priest

  4. First Elder

  5. The Deputy Chief Priest/ess of each Hall of Priesthood

  6. and qualified Third Degree Clergy.



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